Saturday 1 June 2013

Scandinavian Safari - Ready for Off

Well here we are again preparing to set off on another expedition in the Liberator. This time it's a "Scandinavian Safari". We will catch the ferry next Saturday (8th June) from Harwich to Esbjerg in Denmark and then drive to Copenhagen to catch another ferry up to Oslo. 

From Oslo we plan to drive right up through Norway to its (and Europe's) most northerly point, hopefully getting into the Arctic Circle in time for the midnight sun. We will then return south through Finland and Sweden and eventually cross "The Bridge" back to Copenhagen and home. 
We've allowed ourselves four weeks for the journey, which will revisit some of the places we passed through in 2007 on our "Round the Baltic" expedition as well as including some new ones. We haven't done Norway before so that promises to be spectacular and fun and I am also trying to include some venues from the "Nordic Noir" genre of crime fiction that I have been reading quite a lot recently! So Copenhagen, Oslo, Stockholm, Ystad and of course "The Bridge" will feature, as well as some other less well known sites.

We just need to get the clutch master cylinder replaced  on Tuesday and tax the Liberator (from the end of June, which we can't do until Wednesday 5th), and then we should be all set to head down south on Friday.

I don't plan on trying to do a daily diary but I hope we will manage to post some pictures and comments from time to time along the way.